Monday, February 14, 2011

Love and Marriage 2

So I prayed. My most persistent prayer was asking the Lord to give me the words that Dave needed to hear so our family could be repaired. I prayed that ALL the time. I remember vividly just repeating, give me the words, speak through me, over and over. I think I actually allowed it to happen a couple of time because Dave will still bring up things I said then, and how they affected him.
I had made it clear to him that I did not want a divorce. If that's what he wanted he could take whatever steps necessary to make it happen, but I was not going to file. He could not "decide" what to do, come home or move on. Permanent limbo was not an option, and as the weeks turned into months and the months to years he received a lot of pressure to make up his mind. Pressure from me, so I could move on. And pressure from his friends and family.
Finally he decided divorce. I insisted on sole custody, and promised no interference or restrictions for visitation. He didn't fight that at all, and he had the boys often. They were only 1 1/2 and 3 1/2 when it all started. So about 2 years after we first separated we were divorced. I had told Dave over and over, that I wanted my family back together, but once he divorced me, that was it. I would finally move on.
Those years of single parenthood were hard, very hard. I remember being so excited I got a raise to $7.50 an hour. How we ate, much less paid rent, I'll never know. I did receive some state help with day care costs I think (it was so long ago, seems like a lifetime!), but that's all. I have the utmost respect and empathy for single parents. It is such a huge burden, it's hard to be a parent when there is two of you! And child support came every two weeks automatically from his check. He was and still is an excellent father. I never had to ask more than once for any kind of help and he was always there for his visitation, he never ditched his responsibility to them.
We adjusted to our new situation and we moved on. I met a very nice man who also had two small boys and we became very close. He met my family, we vacationed together. A year or so after the divorce the new man asked me to marry him, and I said yes.
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